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Connect Github Actions VPS via SSH and run Benchmark Testing-Waikey

Connect Github Actions VPS via SSH and run Benchmark Testing

Github Actions is a task automation system integrated with GitHub allows you to automate all the tasks involved with software delivery. There are many articles on how to deploy taks on Github Actions via remote SSH command. In this article I will teach you a new way to connect Github Actions VPS via SSH with Ngrok. First of all, you need a Github account and creat a repository, we name it with SSHVPS as example! Let's follow the step below" Step 1: Create account on Ngrok, it's free! And then get the Auth Token via dashbord. Step 2: Now let's…

How to Remove

How to Remove "" from Wordpress

How it works New virus from the domain "" is infecting many WordPress sites these days by injecting a line of JS code into the wordpress themes/plugins files and all posts and pages via sql command. The virus will redirect the sites to malicious domains like , , and . <script src=’' type=’text/javascript’></script> How to remove the "" code There is no clues how this happened and where is the backdoor till now, the only way is to clean it manually! Here is my steps: 1: First Step Very important. De-active CDN function first, and you need to turn offer…
